Tuesday, May 7, 2013

One Week In

Biting fingers, I better think of a good first project. It's exactly one week into the month of May and I need to get started on something. A lot is riding on this for me. If I skip the first month, it'll be really easy to justify skipping the next 11-months as well. And then this whole experiment is kablooey. Already a few friends have told me about craft ideas they're pursuing. The pressure is on.

I was sitting on the metro yesterday, heading home after a very long day. It seemed like a perfect time to make a mental check-list of potential projects I could work on. I had approximately 30 minutes of uninterrupted artsy daydreaming.

My mind immediately turned to cooking. It's a easy road for me. There are so many tasty dishes that I am pining to create. However, if I wanted my first project to be easy, this would be the avenue I'd pursue. 

Then I went to the other side of the spectrum. The hard projects that would be awesome but would require renting an art studio or wood-shop. Okay, so building a canoe was out. 

Let's say for a second that I knew anything about painting. I would love to paint a watercolor landscape. 

Whoa whoa whoa. Settle down. Painting a landscape? I literally know nothing about painting. This may be a project down the road when I get into the swing of things. 

There had to be a middle road I could take. Nothing out of my comfort zone and achievable with moderately successful results. And then somewhere around the Crystal City Metro Stop I thought of the project: rolled paper art. It may sound dull but there are some really clever people out there that have taken this to a whole new level. 

I have these really great picture frames/shadow boxes from Ikea in my office. I plan to make some cool design and replace it with something more vibrant. Below is some inspiration. I'll post pictures of my final product later. Wish me luck!

Great inspiration from Apartment Therapy

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