Friday, May 10, 2013

Creative Reading

Sometimes it's hard to get into the creative mindset. Long day, errands to run, clothes to wash--the daily tediums can take a toll. After all that running around, it's so easy to flop on the couch and watch mindless TV. 

Even still, there have been plenty of times where I find myself sitting at my kitchen table with pen and paper in hand and have no idea where to start. 

Kiran, a co-worker and food blogger, has this zen quality about her and always has cool ideas that she is exploring. She is taking ukelele lessons, makes fabulous dairy-free desserts and has created a list of things she finds annoying--wasabi and hypocrisy made the list. So it was very helpful when she told me about a book that coincided with my artsy experiment. The Artists Way by Julie Cameron explores creative expression and how to 'recover your creativity.'

The book essentially helps people tap into the creative side of their brain over the course of 12 weeks. 

Might be a helpful read for those who need motivation, direction, help, guidance, etc. What works for you to get into the creative zone?

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